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Bewl Sailing Association Ltd


Sunday 23rd April 1977 – Water at last for dinghies

Sunday 23rd April 1977 – Water at last for dinghies
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03 May 2017

To celebrate 40 years of sailing at Bewl, Paddy McFarlan brought along some Fizz which he shared with a group of regular sailors after racing on Sunday 23rd April 2017. You can see Paddy seated in the centre of the photo. 

It was very windy on the first day of sailing at Bewl Bridge Reservoir, as it was then known.

The first boat to launch was a single-hander dinghy which soon capsized and had to be rescued, as described in this press cutting from our archives. Paddy McFarlan then went afloat in his Firefly and had an exhilarating sail on the lake.