Flying Fifteens
The Flying 15 was designed by Uffa Fox in the 1950s but the design has been constantly developed over the years and the current boats incorporate the latest carbon composite materials. A PY handicap system ensures that older boats can still be competitive when racing.
Bewl Water, with its wide open spaces and generous launching slipways, is ideally suited to Flying 15 sailing. The boat is designed to get up on the plane in a blow for exciting reaching but, with the security of a fixed iron keel, it will not punish mistakes and encourages you to sail to your limits. In really testing conditions, the Fifteens are frequently the last boats left on the water.
We are currently the most numerous of the adopted racing classes, with double-figure turnouts in the Summer, racing on Sundays throughout the year. We race for club series trophies, there is an annual open meeting and Bewl is one of the venues for the national Inland Championships. There are often openings for crewing on Sundays, so if you don’t have your own boat but would like to sample life in a Flying Fifteen, let us know. W e’d love to welcome you.